May 4, 2011

CVS Trip 5/4, saved 95%

Here is what I got for $1.56.
I started with 7 EB and earned 5EB for the next time.
There are always some other deals at CVS that I can't get right away.  You can always get a raincheck, and it doesn't expire. I had one for the toothpaste that made if free for Aquafresh and .25cents for Colgate.  I have tons of adult toothpaste (no, it's not a naughty toothpaste, get your mind out of the gutter!), but it's hard to find deals on Kid's toothpaste.  Now I have plenty for about 5 years, since my kids never brush their teeth!!! They were out of the Ivory soap for free and some cleaning supplies for .50c, so I got rainchecks. You'll see some people that get all the deals every time: that's because they shop on Sunday first thing in the mornings, while I'm serving the Lord ;)))  I take my time and sometimes miss on some things, but I'm okay with that, I'm not extreme to the point of loading my kids up in the car in their pjs because Target has deodorant for .20 cents!

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